Rep. Mihalek on House Passage of 2019 PA Budget

Jun. 25, 2019 / Embed

Rep. Natalie Mihalek comments on the 2019-20 Pennsylvania state budget proposal. The budget plan includes no new taxes, historic levels of funding for education, and saves for the future.

Rep. Mihalek comments on H.B. 504

Apr. 09, 2019 / Embed

Pa. State Rep. Natalie Mihalek comments on HB 504. a bill that expands Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sexual offenses, further providing for evidence of victim's sexual conduct.

Rep. Mihalek's Real I.D.

Mar. 26, 2019 / Embed

Pa. State Rep. Natalie Mihalek issues an update of Pennsylvania's REAL ID program and which residents may need to have the new identification.

Please Come to My Open House

Mar. 12, 2019 / Embed

Pa. State Rep. Natalie Mihalek invites constituents to her open house where she will hear concerns, offer light refreshments and distribute information of available services.

Reaction to Governor’s Budget Address

Feb. 05, 2019 / Embed

PA State Rep. Natalie Mihalek comments after Gov. Wolf’s budget address to the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The budget address is the first step in the process to formulate Pennsylvania’s state budget.

Grateful to Get to Work for the People of the 40th District

Jan. 01, 2019 / Embed

PA State Rep. Natalie Mihalek is excited to start work as state representative of the 40th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.