Nov. 21, 2022

(HARRISBURG) –Rep. Natalie Mihalek (R-Allegheny/Washington) today announced grant funding recently awarded to Peters Township through Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). 

Peters Township will receive $650,000 for the comprehensive renovation of athletic fields at Peterswood Park that is used by youth sports associations. The project includes improvements to dugouts, press boxes and a new stormwater system. Additionally, the lighting system will be replaced with an energy-efficient LED system.

“Youth sports are extremely important to the Peters Township community, which is already a great place to live, work and play,” Mihalek said. “When projects like these occur, youth programs can expand their offerings and create even more opportunities for participation. Overall, this will continue to make Peters Township a popular destination point in the region.” 

RACP is a Commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects. RACP projects are state-funded and cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs.

Representative Natalie Mihalek
40th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jordan Frei
724.875.8450 /
